Reality Rules

Synchronicities and Subjective Reality

Sarah Sekoa Season 1 Episode 2

-a personal synchronicity story: how my dead grandmother named my daughter Nina
-what do synchronicities mean?
-where do synchronicities come from?
-is the reality we perceive an interactive subjective feedback loop of our consciousness?
-my personal number language and belief that winks from the universe affirm that I’m on my best path
-but what if it’s all a scheme being operated by evil alien overlords who are harvesting our energy for their cosmic games?
-why it’s good to face the existential possibility that everything might be meaningless
-what I choose to risk believing
-is the universe benevolent, malevolent, or neutral? And so what?
-do interactive subjective realities coalesce into a collective reality?
-is there a bigger purpose? If so, what do you want it to be?
-why it’s good to know you could always be totally wrong about everything
-the meaning that motivates me

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