Reality Rules
Check your certainties about reality at the door and enter into a complex web of what ifs and wonders. My guests and I question beliefs, value awe over answers, and seek to communicate the beauty of the universes that we each uniquely perceive. Regular intersecting topics may include: philosophy, religion, ethics, moral values, sex & sexuality, intimacy & relationships, mental & emotional health, addiction & recovery, quantum physics, psychedelics, the law of attraction/manifestation, etc., and also Bigfoot.
Reality Rules
Part 1: Let's Catch Our Breath - Addiction Recovery & Mental Health with Dave Testa
Sarah Sekoa
Season 1
Episode 12
Dave & Sarah discuss experiences of addiction, mental illness, recovery, and learning how to care for & ground ourselves and deal with the inevitable pains of life in sustainable ways.
Recorded at Dave Testa's home recording studio in Seattle, WA on April 16th, 2023.
Intro/Outro song: "River" by David Testa, used with permission. Single to be released soon. Listen to more music by David Testa at
Follow Sarah Sekoa on instagram @sarahs1317